Crate pallet_smith_members

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§Duniter Smith Pallet

The Smith pallet in Duniter serves as a bridge between the identity and authority-members pallets.


The Smith pallet manages the certification and membership status of Smiths. Smiths are identities that have met certain requirements and play a critical role in the network’s operations (block authoring, distance evaluation).

§Key Concepts

§Smith Status

The status of an identity within the Smith pallet can be one of the following:

  • Invited: The identity has been invited by a Smith but has not yet accepted the invitation.
  • Pending: The identity has accepted the invitation and is pending to become a full Smith.
  • Smith: The identity has fulfilled the requirements and is a full-fledged Smith, eligible to perform critical network functions.
  • Excluded: The identity has been removed from the Smiths set but its certifications are retained for tracking purposes.


Certifications are crucial in determining Smith status:

  • An identity needs a minimum number of certifications to become a Smith (MinCertForMembership).



  • impls 🔒
  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
  • types 🔒
    Various basic types for use in the identity pallet.


  • Represents a certification metadata attached to a Smith identity.
